
Astrology charts, daily horoscopes & astrology resources



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comprehensive natal astrology chart report, a fascinating
& informative personal interpretation of the stars for you.

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Daily Horoscopes

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What do our Star Signs mean?

Discover the meaning of your star sign, and what could bring your star sign luck...




What is Astrology? How astrology charts are plotted
Most people are aware of their birth sign, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc. etc. and even consult horoscopes in newspapers or magazines. These give a very general overview of what is about to happen - a more accurate picture can be derived from the plotting of an Astrological Chart. All about Astrology...



History of Astrology

Find out where the Zodiac originates with our easy to understand Introduction to Astrology


Complete Astrology Guide NEW!

Learn the art of astrologyRead this 326-page guide crammed with easy-to understand information on understanding astrology and creating astrology reports for yourself and others. Read the Astrology Guide


Astrological Ephemeris

Calculate the positions of the planets, as used in astrological intepretations, with the Astrological Ephemeris


Featured Sign:

Associated with Venus and the 7th house, Librans are often the 'charmers' in life. The scales symbol signifies a desire for balance and harmony in most situations and you are generally a fairly 'easy going' sort of person. You like to hear two sides of the story or give consideration to the other person's point of view but usually find it difficult to make a decision, sometimes going from one extreme to other.
In love you are romantic and sentimental but can be flirty without realizing it. You usually opt for the 'quiet life' and hate arguments or debates of any sort. You are good company and have a wide circle of acquaintances but underneath you tend to lack confidence in yourself... ...

(continued | more Star Signs...)



Chinese Astrology - the basics of Chinese Astrology

Chinese Astrology

Unlike Western astrology, which bases its major system - the Sun signs - on a 12 month cycle, giving a different influence to each month, Chinese astrology is based on cycles of 60 years. Read more on Chinese Astrology here

Chinese Zodiac for each Year


Astrological Cusps

If you were born on one of the cusp dates, you are affected by two star signs' attributes. Astrological Cusps



Cusp Calculator

Are you on the cusp of two star signs? If you are, your life may be influenced by two signs.


Enter your Date of Birth to find out if you're on the cusp of two signs:

Date of Birth:





What's Related  on

  1. Complete Astrology Guide
  2. Compatibility Astrology Report
  3. Chinese Astrology Center - Chinese Zodiac Information, History and more
  4. Chinese Astrology Report
  5. Chinese Zodiac Years
  6. Five Elements of Chinese Astrology
  7. New Astrology Report
  8. Astrological Cusps: Dates and cusps of star signs

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